All right, so I made my mind yesterday to call the automated AP grade reporting service from the College Board. I know I could have waited 3 or more weeks to get my free grade report in the mail, but I figured $8 wasn’t really that much – just a little more than an average meal at a fast-food restaurant – of a price to pay to know my grades right this very instant. Actually, I’m glad the service is available 24 hours a day, as I made the decision to retrieve my grades at about 2:30 in the morning. So, I have the feeling that everybody is just dying to know what my scores were; I’m going to post them. But first, I should warn – no, advise – anybody who may want to call the number (1-888-308-0013) to find out his or her AP grades to know that even though the official AP “Student Pack” and the official AP program’s website say that a Discover card is a sufficient form of payment to receive grades, it actually is not. I had every intention of entering a Discover card number to get my grades, but I soon found out that the system will only accept Visa or MasterCard (and quite possibly American Express, too, but I don’t remember anymore. What kind of person would use American Express, though, anyway?) AP English Language & Composition – 5 AP Calculus AB – 4 AP German – 4 AP Macroeconomics – 5 AP Microeconomics – 5 All in all, I’m not really surprised at all at what my scores were. I wasn’t completely sure that I'd get a 5 on the three tests that I did get one on, but I hadn’t ruled out that possibility either, so it wasn’t really much of a shock for me to find out that I had, indeed, gotten the three 5s. As I discussed in a previous post, I had a pretty good feeling that I’d get a 4 on the German test, even though I would’ve liked a 5. I’m not disappointed, however, just slightly upset that the material on "my" AP German test wasn’t quite as in line with what I would consider to be my chief strengths in the German language. I found the material on the 2002 test that we took for practice a couple of weeks before the actual examination to be much more to my liking. All in all, I calculated the average score on all of the AP tests I took throughout high school and came up with something around 4.5 or so. This average, when combined with the fact that I obtained a 4 or better on all of the tests that I took, means that I will be a national AP scholar when the College Board announces the names of all the scholars sometime this fall or winter. Oh yeah, because I got a 5 on both of the economics test, my name, assuming that Mr. Stark will not be housed in a new room at the start of the 05-06 school year, will also go up on the "AP Economics Wall of Fame" on display in room A144 at Brainerd High School.
So I realized today I hadn’t yet written anything about growing a garden this year. Since I usually include at least one entry devoted to gardening during the summer months, I thought now would be the perfect time to write this year’s. Like usual, I have a fairly large plot of land dug up in my backyard to grow vegetables in. I don’t have the exact dimensions of my garden at all – mainly because I’ve gotten to where I am now by adding on a little bit every year for the last 4 years. What I do know, however, is that my plot is somewhere in the greater than 100 square feet category. Most of the vegetables I have should have already produced their first batch of edible goodies by the time I leave for Grand Forks around August 20th. This year will be unique, however, in that I will not be at home for the final part of the growing season, from the last week of August to the entire month of September. Anyway, here’s a list of what I’m growing this year. I’m even going to list everything in alphabetical order, as well as give the German equivalent. Why? I don’t really know, but I suppose it’s always good to be exposed to another language every once and awhile. - Beans (Bohnen) – Fresh green beans from the garden always taste the best, plus they’re pretty easy to grow, as long as any potentially damaging diseases or insects are controlled before they get to be a large problem. I’m growing the Green Bush Snap Tenderpod beans from seeds I ordered from Burpee earlier this spring.
- Carrots (Karotten) – Although I rarely eat store-bought carrots (I’ve never really liked their taste), I do enjoy carrots straight from the garden. Carrots that have just been pulled out of the ground tend to have a much higher sugar content and, all in all, taste better than anything that can be bought in the store. Last year I was able to grow more carrots than I knew what to do with, despite having a minor problem with a gopher infestation. I hope I have a good amount of carrots again this year, and that the rabbits that seem to have sprung up around my neighborhood these last few weeks do not have a chance to feast on my carrots before I do. I’m growing the Sweet Treat Hybrid carrots from seeds I ordered from Burpee earlier this spring.
- Cauliflower (Blumenkohl) – I’ve grown cauliflower successfully before, so I thought I may as well try again this year. I really wanted to grow cauliflower’s close cousin, broccoli, but I couldn’t find any stores in the area this year carrying broccoli plants. I probably could have grown some plants from seed, but I didn’t really feel like doing so after I saw one of the area flower/vegetable retailers selling 4-packs of cauliflower. I hope I get some edible cauliflower, but right now, the chances of that aren’t looking too good. Those aforementioned rabbits really find the leaves of the cauliflower plant tasty, and they’ve managed to injure my 4 plants. I’ve since put up fencing and netting to keep rabbits and other animals out of my garden, but I don’t know if the damage they caused to the cauliflower is going to be repairable.
- Corn (Mais) – Sweet corn is a new vegetable for me. I’ve sort of wanted to grow it for the last few years, but I never had much room in my garden to do so due to a couple of reasons. The first was that I just didn’t have that large of a garden to start with, and the other being that I was busy growing pumpkin – another vegetable that requires a lot of space to grow. This year, however, I decided that I would grow some sweet corn in lieu of pumpkin. I’m hoping I’ll get some delicious corn from my 4 by 4 row block of about 10 plants per row that I planted. Right now my corn plants are about 6 to 10 inches tall, so it’s going to be interesting to watch them sprout up to a height of 4-5 feet in the next couple of months. I’m growing the Yellow Sugary Enhancer Hybrid Early Choice sweet corn from seeds I ordered from Burpee earlier this spring.
- Cucumber (Gurke) – I just have one cucumber plant this year, which has been my norm for awhile now, since I am not the biggest fan of cucumbers. They are useful in some foods, though, and if I get a few nicely-sized cucumbers out of my plant, I’ll be happy.
- Lettuce (Kopfsalat) – I’ve never grown lettuce before either, but I decided to give it a try this year to see what I come up with. I’ve got my two lettuce plants surrounded by a fence and net, as rabbits – and other creatures – are obviously going to be very attracted to the fresh lettuce once the plants begin growing heads of it.
- Peppers (Pfeffer) – I have seven pepper plants total, down from the total amount I’ve had in previous years. I’ve discovered over the years, however, that I generally end up with far too many of the hot, jalapeño-like peppers than I know what to do with. So, going with that knowledge, I only bought two hot pepper plants this year: one growing some sort of chili pepper and another growing jalapeños. The other five plants are growing your typical bell pepper. I think I have three that will produce “red” bell peppers and two that will produce the oft-seen “green” bell pepper.
- Peppermint (Pfefferminz) – I haven’t grown herbs in awhile, and wouldn’t have had any this year either if I hadn’t been at Menards a few days ago and noticed a table full of vegetables and herbs for 50% off. Everything on the table was marked $1.17 or so to begin with, so getting them at 50% off was an even better deal. Anyway, I saw a nice-looking peppermint plant and decided to pick it up while I had the opportunity. Peppermint was among the varieties of herbs I grew last time I had them, so I know how tasty the flowers and leaves of a peppermint plant can be.
- 9. Zucchini (Zucchini) – This is my primary squash this year, since I’m not growing any pumpkins. Like just about any squash, zucchini is pretty easy to grow because of its resistance to many types of insects and diseases. I’m growing the Sure Thing Hybrid zucchini from seeds I ordered from Burpee earlier this spring.
So, that’s it. I was thinking of taking some pictures of all the plants last evening, but, in the end, I didn’t get around to doing so. I did, however, get around to doing some necessary weeding around the corn plants.
Well, I woke up today and thought I should continue with the second part of my travels late last week and last weekend. So, after the registration program concluded at UND last Friday, we spent a little bit more time exploring the city of Grand Forks. I, for one, went back down to the park area called “the Greenway” right along the Grand Forks side of the Red River. This was the same place I visited last time I was in Grand Forks in January. If you remember, I posted quite a few pictures of both the Greenway as well as the city of Grand Forks. Anyway, I was just curious as to what everything looked like when it wasn’t buried under a good two feet of snow. I wasn’t let down, either, since I found that the entire area looks much better with bright green grass surrounding everything. The water of the Red River was a little high, thanks to rains that the area had received in the first week of June. Some of the trees that are usually immediately next to the flowing water had water coming up to their trunks, but other than that, there weren’t any other visible effects of a flood. The cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks are pretty well prepared for any minor flood of Red River, to say the least. After I was done at the Greenway, we pretty much got out of town, ready to head both west and south toward Jamestown. About 15 or 20 miles west of Grand Forks, the tremendously flat land that Grand Forks is located in gives way to a landscape with gently rolling hills and an ever decreasing amount of trees. If you know your geology, you know that this is the spot where you exit out of the lakebed of the once mighty Lake Agassiz and cross into prairie country. There aren’t many towns to speak of in the 80-or-so miles between Grand Forks and Devils Lake. Larimore, with a population of 1,433, and Lakota, with a population of 781, are the largest communities you’ll encounter along U.S. Highway 2, and Larimore doesn’t even really count since it’s only accessible by getting off of the highway and traveling for a couple of miles along a different, state highway. We stopped for some gas in Lakota, a town whose name means friend in – I’m assuming – a Sioux language. The gas station we went to was nevertheless a bit unique, since all it only had pumps: there was no “convenience store” portion. If you didn’t have a credit card to pay for your gas, you were, unfortunately, out of luck. The city of Devils Lake was the next stop on our tour. With a population of 7,222, Devils Lake is the largest place on Highway 2 in the 214 miles between Grand Forks and Minot. Devils Lake had a pretty neat downtown district, since there were so many very old buildings that still gave off the aura that the city was a booming “gold rush”-type town. Needless to say, however, the city also had a newer business district, complete with a not-yet-closed Kmart and a not-yet-supercenterized Wal-Mart. After Devils Lake, it was time to head more-or-less directly south to Jamestown. We got on North Dakota highway 20 and made a pretty scenic jaunt into and around Devils Lake. I say into because the road travels not only around the lake, but also through the middle of it. There is quite a stretch of roadway where the expansive waters of the lake are on both sides of the road, and it seems as if the only thing holding the road in place is large, tan-colored rocks that make up the road’s shoulders. There was a tiny chapter about Devils Lake in Flood Stage & Rising, a book I just finished reading. I scanned the three pages that make up the chapter, and you can read them, here (page 1), here (page 2), and here (page 3). The book is an excellent read if you want to find out what it was like to live through the 1997 flood first-hand and/or want an outside observer’s opinion on why the Upper Midwest is a great place to live. Oh yeah, those pages I scanned also provide a very good idea of what the region encompassing Devils Lake is like. After passing by the lake, highway 20 connected with U.S. Highway 281, which brought us through some very quiet, small towns. We made stops in New Rockford (population 1,463) and Carrington (population 2,268), and even though Carrington seemed to have more activity going on, there was a very strange feeling that we were the only car on the road as we traveled along the cities’ house-lined streets. We finally made it into Jamestown after this, and found our hotel room for the night. Jamestown is probably best known as being the city that has the “largest buffalo in the world” in it, as that, and other tourist trap attractions, can easily be found off of interstate 94 passing through the outskirts of town. Jamestown is, however, also the hometown of author Louis L’amore and also features the impressive James River Valley. Pretty much the entire city is located in the deep valley, so one of the fun things to do is go up to where the large buffalo is – since it’s located on top of a hill – and look below at the entire city, which has a population of 15,527, and is the largest in the 200-mile distance between West Fargo and Bismarck. After moseying around town some more on Saturday, we finally left at around 1:30 PM. It had started raining at around noon, but it wasn’t that heavy, and it certainly didn’t stop me from going to find Jamestown’s only geocache, the Jamestown Centennial Forest. Even though I got pretty wet, it was nice to know that I finally got around to dropping off a travel bug I had had in my possession since – oops! – November. The rain picked up as we got on the interstate to head east of town. By the time we made a stop in Valley City, 30 miles away, the rain was constant and heavy. Valley City was a lot like Jamestown, in that the entire city was built in a valley. It, like Jamestown, was pretty scenic, but, unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures since it was raining so heavily. We then traveled into some very, very heavy rain outside of Fargo near Casselton and Mapleton. The shoulders on the interstate were starting to flood, and many of the farm fields in the area had large puddles of standing water. Also, it was very hard to see the road, especially when going 65 miles per hour, which was technically below the North Dakota interstate speed limit of 75 miles per hour. When we finally arrived in Fargo, the rain let up, and it even looked like the sun would pop out of the clouds for a little bit. There were large puddles of water all over the place, especially in a lot of the intersections in Moorhead. In fact, we drove through a very large puddle that was so deep, water came up to the bottom of our van. Fortunately we made it through all right, even though driving through the puddle probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. After Glyndon, the rain clouds really lifted, and we actually didn’t run into any rain after that. The sun even made a brief appearance around Detroit Lakes, though it was quickly replaced by another band of clouds. Pictures:
 One of the large walkways on the UND campus
 The Red River - looking toward the Minnesota side
 The marker showing how flood waters have gotten
 A train crossing the bridge bridge going over the Red River
 The city of Grand Forks doesn't allow mowing along the river. It was pretty neat to see all the different types of grasses and wildflowers growing.
 The Grand Forks Herald clock tower
 Devils Lake and dead trees
 Devils Lake in more photogenic light
 A train comes past New Rockford's large grain elevator
 An artistic b&w shot of some of the railroad tracks going through New Rockford
 Symmetry in downtown Jamestown
 Overlooking the eastern end of Jamestown from the hill the large buffalo is on. This picture was taken at 9:17 PM; because Jamestown is close to the western border of the central time zone, sunset didn't occur until 9:29 PM.
Well, I suppose you could say I had quite an adventure these last few days, as I’ve been away from home and primarily in North Dakota. Let me discuss what I’ve been doing. Bright and early, at 3:30 AM on Thursday morning, we left Brainerd and headed toward Grand Forks to attend the University of North Dakota’s “freshmen getting started” program. This is a two-day series of meetings and events that both incoming freshmen and their parents can attend to get better acquainted with the university and all of the programs and services it offers. The program is not mandatory, but is nevertheless highly recommended because it allows freshmen to get off to a good start and receive one-on-one help and advisement with registering for first semester courses. We had to be at the university at 9 AM, hence the fact that we had to leave Brainerd at 3:30. Well, actually, we didn’t have to leave that early, since Brainerd to Grand Forks is, at maximum, in good weather conditions, a 4 hour trip, but I wanted to get in Grand Forks a little early, so that I could explore the city a bit more and see what it looked like with leaves on all the trees and lush green lawns in front of all the houses. We opted to take the 4 hour trip from Brainerd into Grand Forks, by heading west to Moorhead on U.S. highway 10 and then north from there to Crookston on U.S. highway 75, and finally west from Crookston into Grand Forks on U.S. highway 2. I think it was about 8:30 when we finally got to Grand Forks, thanks to a little rest stop we had in Dilworth. The first day of the “getting started” program was full of essentially nothing but lectures covering every aspect of the university’s programs and services, from its student health services to study abroad program. About a dozen different presenters, each representing some unique department within the university, came in to a large lecture hall and spoke to all of the students and their parents. The first round of presentations lasted from 9:30 until 11:30, at which time lunch was served in one of the school’s many dining halls. After the 45-minute lunch period, everybody went back into the lecture hall to watch even more PowerPoint presentations. Students who wanted to were allowed to take a foreign language placement exam during this time, but I didn’t have to, since UND accepts foreign language credit based solely on AP test scores. They even said anybody who has received or will be receiving AP credit in a foreign language was ineligible to take the placement exam, so I couldn’t have taken the test even if I had wanted to. This second round of lectures concluded at 3:15, and then it was time for anybody who wanted to take the mathematics placement exam to do so. I opted not to for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I’ll more than likely receive AP credit in mathematics from my Calc AB test, plus we found out that the university’s housing department had, for some reason, not gotten the $250 fee necessary for my placement into a residence hall. After quite a bit of time and running around, we finally were able to track the problem down and make sure that I was, indeed, set to get a room at the university. The people in the housing department explained that the first round of room/roommate assignments had already gone out, but that I should have no reason to panic, as I’ll be put on the list for room/roommate assignments that will go out the first week of July. They also told me that their little snafu shouldn’t bar me from getting into the dorm that (male) honors students have the option of living in. It would have been nice to find out my room number and roomate now, but I suppose I will be all right waiting a few more weeks to find out that information. The presentations, which, incidentally, can be downloaded from here, weren’t all that interesting, though I did learn a few things, namely that the university has many different study abroad programs, including what looks like a very fun summer-long program at the University of Regensburg in the Bavaria region of Deutschland. Also, one of the student government groups or something is sponsoring a university reading program again this year, which means hundreds of complimentary Grand Forks Heralds, USA Todays, and Newsweeks in each and every dorm. It will be really nice not to have to spend a $1.00 or so every day to catch up on the news. The second day of the program featured what everybody was waiting for, registration for the fall semester! The second day’s program lasted from 8 AM to 12 PM, and throughout most of this entire time, the parents and students were separated into two different groups. The parents gathered in one group and watched some more presentations, mingled with each other, asked questions to a panel of current and former students, and overall learned how to cope with having their children move out of home. We students, on the other hand, went to a large ballroom and had to fill out a few surveys that were supposed to tell the university more about its incoming freshmen. After this, registration began. The university had brought in about 20 or so advisors for about, I’m guessing, 100 to 150 students. All of the advisors were sitting at individual tables, and basically it was a first-come, first-served process. Once one advisor’s table opened, it was like a mad dash to be the next person to meet with the advisor and select classes for the first semester. I had to wait a good hour and a half, during which time I looked over the complimentary course catalogs that we had been given and had a nice conversation with a girl from Rolla, ND, but I was finally able to make it to talk with an advisor. Anyway, the advisor told me exactly what I was expecting to hear, that because the scores for some pivotal AP classes (read: German and Calc AB) have not yet come in, I would have to be placed in lower-level classes until my scores would allow me to bypass them. I just knew this was what was going to happen when it came time for me to register, and I would have liked it better if I could have registered after I got the AP scores from this year’s tests, but, I couldn’t do that, because the university wanted all the honors students to come up the first week of June to register, so that they could be honored with having the privilege of being the first ones to select their courses. I was taught how to switch my schedule after I get my AP scores, however, and since all scheduling is handled online, I shouldn't have any difficulty enrolling in a higher-level math course and German course. With that said, here’s a rundown of what classes I will have my first semester of college: Chemistry – My AP Chemistry credit allowed me to bypass taking 100-level, introduction to chemistry courses, so instead I’ll be taking a 200-level chemistry course. I had the choice between this and 300-level organic chemistry, but since I have had very little organic chemistry up to this point, I figured it’d be better for me to save that for sophomore year. This 200-level course I’ll be taking should be a bit of review from AP Chemistry, but that’s an okay thing if it means I get off to a good start my freshman year. Chemistry class will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00-11:50 AM. The lab component will be held on Wednesdays from 3:00-5:50 PM, and tests (midterms, finals, etc.) will be given on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM. German – I’m looking to get at least a minor in German, so I told my advisor I definitely wanted to enroll in a German class my first semester. Since the grade for my AP German test has not come in yet, however, I am currently only allowed into German 101. Once I do get AP grades, though, I’m expecting to get a 4 or a 5 on the German test, which would let me take a third-year class instead. Math – Once again, because I don’t have a grade for AP Calculus AB yet, and I didn’t take the school’s placement exam, I’m only allowed to go into precalculus. If my AP grade is higher than a 3, though, I will sign up for either Calc I or Calc II, depending on what I feel like doing. Honors – In order to remain in the honors program, every honors student has to take a minimum of so many credits in what are labeled as “honors only” courses. The class recommended for incoming honors students is “inquiry into the humanities” – honors 101 – and this is what I’ll have on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00-3:00 PM. It looks like it’ll be an interesting class, definitely a diversion from the other classes on my schedule. All in all, that’s 15 credits, which is more than the minimum 12 credits that everybody must take and just about average as for how many credits the average student takes. I’m officially registered as a prospective chemistry major, so that’s the course I plan on starting along my first semester. Upon looking at those classes, also notice that I will not have an English class. My AP Lit grade got me out of taking freshmen literature/composition or whatever they call it, and my AP Lang grade will likely get me out of taking any other English classes as well. I think I'll either be a sophomore or close to being a sophomore when I enter school because of all the AP credit I am likely to recieve. I pretty much have all of my general education requirements already taken care of. After Friday’s program concluded, we headed not toward home in Brainerd, but rather west (and south) toward Jamestown, ND. This entry has already gotten too unwieldy, so I’ll save the discussion of this trip to some other time. I’ll also refrain from posting pictures until some other time as well.
I spent the second semester of the recently-concluded school year as a lab aide, a job that entailed setting up and maintaining the laboratory tables and equipment for both Mrs. Lundgren’s general chemistry and AP Chemistry classes. I was often the one responsible for preparing the mixtures or solutions (with diluted solutions of HCl becoming my specialty to make after a short time) that were required to successfully complete all of the individual labs that the classes had to carry out. Besides this, I also frequently made sure that each of the six – if the lab was for AP Chemistry – or eight – if the lab was for general chemistry – lab tables had, in addition to the necessary solutions or mixtures, all of the necessary laboratory equipment. This supplementary equipment included, but was not limited to, temperature probes, heating plates, and the ever-fascinating 5,000 volt transformers used ultimately in studying the atomic spectra of individual elements. Lastly, when all of the classes completed their labs, I was the one whose chore it was to put everything back in its original place and get the lab tables back to being just as tidy as they were originally. But working on the labs wasn’t the only thing I did. I also spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the school’s water distiller, a machine the science department purchased to reduce the cost of continually buying one gallon jugs of distilled water at the grocery store. The distiller does actually do a good job at what it’s supposed to do – make distilled water necessary for doing any sort of chemistry experiment – but necessarily needs to be cleaned quite frequently, due the fact that the school (and quite possibly the entire city of Brainerd) has a water supply rich in minerals that easily plug up the distiller’s tubing and cause it to stop functioning correctly. In addition to cleaning the distiller, other “non-lab” jobs I did included packing up just about everything in the classroom at the end of the year. This post wasn’t really supposed to be about my time spent as a lab aide last semester, although I certainly enjoyed having the opportunity to do what I did. Making the solutions for the labs was not only something I liked doing, but also something that helped solidify my desire to continue studying chemistry in college and perhaps make a career out of it. But anyway, what I was trying to do by writing about being a lab aide was show that my first hour class last semester was not really a class, at least not in the traditional sense. Although there weren’t too many days where there was nothing much for me to do, such days did occur, and, when they did, my first hour was turned into something of an open hour. Additionally, I wasn’t required to show up to class at the ordinary first hour starting time of 8:20, nor was I required to stay until the official 9:27 ending time. So, where I’m going with this is establishing the point that it wasn’t really required of me to spend my time in one single classroom first hour last semester. In fact, I always started my school day in a room numbered A140, in a pseudo-class given the apt title " babysitting 101." Now, because the teacher in room A140 was so very gracious in allowing the unlimited use of his television and VCR, I was able to record quite a few of the Warrior Updates shown between March and May. The Warrior Update is the title of the weekly news production put together by the students in the advanced television productions class at Brainerd High School. It is shown to just about every classroom at the high school, since almost every room has one television set, and generally runs from 15 to 20 minutes in length. Topics covered on the program are quite varied; for instance, the death of Pope John Paul II and the hazards of tanning were two of the topics covered in one of the programs I recorded and later made available for downloading online. Actually, to download any of the Warrior Update programs I have, just go to The files are, on average, about 45 Mb in size, so, depending upon your internet connection, may take awhile to download. Also, the files are named using a convention such as “wuMMDDYY.wmv,” where MMDDYY are all numbers that stand for the date of the program’s broadcast. Here’s a rundown of what’s on each of the files: wu031805.wmvWarrior Update – March 18, 2005: - Teacher strike in Crosby-Ironton School District - Brainerd School District’s budget problems - Senior banquet - Health 101 series: healthy eating habits - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 22 minuteswu032305.wmvWarrior Update – March 23, 2005 - Red Lake High School shootings - Effects of having no spring break - Tips on enjoying Easter…the right way - Brainerd High School’s lacrosse team - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 15 minuteswu040105.wmvWarrior Update – April 1, 2005 - Spanish students’ trip to Peru and French students’ trip to France - Information on filing income taxes - Health 101 series: exercise and teens - Tips on increasing fuel economy and keeping car tuned-up - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 19 minuteswu040805.wmvWarrior Update – April 8, 2005 - Information on Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) tests for 10th and 11th graders - Death of Pope John Paul II - Health 101 series: harmful effects of tanning and unprotected sun exposure - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 15 minuteswu041505.wmvWarrior Update – April 15, 2005 - Information about the symphonic band’s trip to New York City - Health 101 series: depression and stress - Update on boys tennis team - How to best prepare for prom night - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 18 minuteswu042905.wmvWarrior Update – April 29, 2005 - Information on upcoming AP tests - The closure of Franklin Jr. High School - How students are dealing with their stress - Plus other news & events... - Running time: 17 minutesNote: this program was not shown in its entirety, because it did not finish in before the beginning of second hourwu050605.wmvWarrior Update – May 6, 2005 - Reaction to having the 2005 graduation ceremony inside - Recap of sports banquet - Reminder about mother’s day - Warrior Outlet commercial - Slideshow of pictures from 2005 prom - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 14 minuteswu051305.wmvWarrior Update – May 13, 2005 - Information about 2005 fishing opener - Warrior Outlet commercial - Update on girls golf team - Health 101 series: protecting yourself from ticks - Plus other news & events… - Running time: 16 minutesNote: I was not able to record the entire program, because it did not finish in before the beginning of second hourRemember, to download any of the programs, just go to I also have the final two Warrior Updates for the year in my collection, but I have yet to transfer them from videotape to computer. I may do so as time and interest permits.